We Need - More - Books written by refugees!

In the past 27 years, I have lived in 3 different countries as a refugee without knowing what is in store for me.
I found myself in a refugee camp along with thousands of other people, living without knowing what the next day held. Not enough people know that we are in the worst refugee crisis.
Despite the harsh conditions, my first goal was being safe, but being safe without having rights is not enough. And despite what was going on I was keeping everything saved for my future until I raised all those harmful things that will not happen to others. It was a horrific experience!
And the journey never ended where more than 1 million Rohingya were forcibly displaced in the last few years. I felt like that would be the best way to show the real image of the rohingya refugees.
I started writing a book about my journey from 2017 so others can get a better understanding of the refugee struggles and their stories. Why does the refugee crisis matter to us? Why do you think refugee issues are sensitive?
Writing out my fears, frustrations and desires helped release some of the pent-up emotions that were stuck inside me.
My message to the world is this: The world should hear more from us. People need to understand that before saying refugee issues are sensitive. We are simply humans.
The refugee crisis did not begin yesterday and will not end tomorrow. Rather than focusing on the problem, we should all be actively looking for solutions!

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