In Malaysia there is no program of refugee camps and no financial support from anyone since the refugees arrived and took shelter here.

Many people have done positive things for refugees

Filipo Grandi who is the High Commissioner for refugees, Michelle Bachelet from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN Special Rapporteur Yangee Lee have made visits to Malaysia with regards to seeing to the plight of rohingya and refugees.

The visits have been important in raising awareness of our problems but I wish that their efforts will be followed through. We refugees have our share of problems in Malaysia and little progress has been made over the years despite visits from dignitaries.

It is my wish that one day there will be basic rights at least so that refugee children can study in local schools in Malaysia and refugees to work legally. What will our future be without education and work permit? How can we contribute to the society without those things. How can we contribute when we are unsure when we will eat to survive and pay the house rent.

Remember: In Malaysia there is no program of refugee camps and no financial support from anyone since the refugees arrived and took shelter here.

Why are refugees allowed to suffer. We are not refugees by choice. We are refugees by force. Everyone must know that they can become a refugee by war, or disaster, or politics, inside their country or forced to flee to others.

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