A survivors’ story

By ADAM BEMMATHE 2017 Rohingya humanitarian crisis caused by Myanmar is not only affecting Bangladesh – which has taken in 740,000 refugees – but it’s also causing strife in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

Despite Myanmar’s alleged attempts at repatriation, the Rohingya people have stayed put in camps and cities fearing the security situation in their villages and towns of Rakhine state.
More Rohingya are returning to the seas, retracing the migration route of the 2015 Rohingya refugee crisis from ports in Myanmar and Bangladesh across the Andaman Sea to the Strait of Malacca.
Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo mentioned the need to end the Rohingya refugee crisis and begin voluntary repatriation to Myanmar, at the recent Association of South-East Asian Nations (Asean) Summit in Bangkok.
Rohingya Ziaur Rahman – a married father of two – has lived in his adopted city of Kuala Lumpur for the last six years.
But his story of displacement and asylum reflects the reality facing many Rohingya.
The United Nations (UN) Global Trends released in June states 70.8 million people are forcibly displaced globally, exceeding the entire population of Thailand.
“I was born in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. My father was tortured by soldiers and my family was targeted so we (fled) to the refugee camps in Bangladesh,” said Rahman.
“I was living (in a refugee camp) for 20 years before I was kidnapped by human traffickers in Bangladesh.”

A Rohingya refugee carries a placard that says 'We never return' at a protest against a disputed repatriation programme at the Unchiprang refugee camp near Teknaf on November 15, 2018. - Frightened and angry Rohingya refugees on November 15 forced Bangladesh to call off efforts to start sending back some of the hundreds of thousands of the stateless Muslims to Myanmar, casting fresh doubt on a disputed repatriation programme. (Photo by Dibyangshu SARKAR / AFP)

Making a stand: A file photo of Rohingya refugees protesting at a rally against a disputed repatriation programme at the Unchiprang refugee camp near Teknaf. — AFP    
Thailand and Indonesia have become wayward stations for Rohingya people seeking refuge in Malaysia.
The Rohingya community in Thailand states 5,000 Rohingya are living in the country, fearful of arrest and deportation by Thai authorities.
Thailand views all refugees as a security threat. There are 95,644 registered refugees living in nine camps along Thailand’s border with Myanmar, according to the United Nations Refugee High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
The agency estimates there are 4,779 refugees living in and around Bangkok.
Many countries in South-East Asia, including Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia have never ratified the UN Refugee Convention so they’re not obliged to provide protection to asylum seekers and refugees.
But all three have signed regional frameworks to halt the flow of migrants fleeing war and persecution in Myanmar.
Thailand and Indonesia’s governments allow the International Organisation of Migration to provide support to the Rohingya people detained in immigration detention centres.
In 2017, a 16-year-old Rohingya girl died in a Thai detention centre in Songkhla. She had been held there for three years.
Regional human rights group Fortify Rights documents human rights violations faced by Rohingya refugees.
It has called on the Thai authorities to investigate deaths inside immigration detention centres.
In Malaysia, there are 170,460 registered refugees; yet human rights groups believe many are left unregistered.
Most of Malaysia’s refugees are Rohingya – many trafficked by sea or land to the country from Myanmar or Bangladesh, via Thailand.
A childhood friend of Rahman’s from the same refugee camp in Bangladesh ended up abandoned at sea in a boat until he was rescued by Acehnese fishermen.
Indonesia houses 800 refugees living in government shelters in the cities of Medan, North Sumatra and Makassar in South Sulawesi according to the International Concern Group for Rohingya.
Jokowi had signed a decree allowing for more community shelters to be built to house refugees.
But no country in the region has a plan to assimilate their refugees.
In 2017, Asean adopted the Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, responding to the 2015 Rohingya refugee crisis where 25,000 fled on boats to Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. Hundreds died at sea.
“I was forced to stay in a (human) trafficking camp in Thailand. There was no food or water. Life became unbearable,” said Rahman, referring to the time his boat came ashore in Thailand’s south.
“When I was transferred from one camp to another I was rescued by (the) Thai police. They brought me to the police station,” he added.
“I spent one day there before I was transferred to a Ranong court. After a few days, I was declared a victim of human trafficking.”
Rahman still carries the paperwork stating this, given to him by Thai authorities upon his release.
A human smuggling syndicate active in the south was monitoring the shelter he was being housed in. He and another boy were sold again to smugglers.
“I was trafficked four times,” Rahman said.
“They forced me to call my mother and demand RM7,000. I told them we didn’t have any money, so they handed us over to uniformed border guards.”
From a safe house in Penang for human trafficking victims, Rahman was able to make his way – with a friend’s help – to Ampang in Kuala Lumpur, where there is a large Rohingya community living.
Later, Rahman was able to bring his wife and child from Bangladesh to Malaysia.
Human rights groups have accused refugee men of risking women’s lives, attempting to bring brides purchased from desperate families living in Myanmar or the camps in Bangladesh to cities in Malaysia.
Rahman was forced to make the decision no son ever wants to make – opting to give a better life to his family in Malaysia but leaving his mother in Bangladesh.
Yet refugees in Malaysia have no legal right to work or study.
The costs needed to visit a doctor or a hospital is too high for families with no income, reliant on assistance from local faith-based groups.
“I’ve been a refugee for 25 years and I haven’t received any support. I lobby the (Malaysian) government to tell them that we’re all human beings and our voices need to be heard,” Rahman said.
“The UN doesn’t provide us with anything.”
His advocacy on behalf of the Rohingya worldwide led him to meet Malaysia’s former prime minister Najib Razak, as documented in the 2017 film Selfie With The Prime Minister.
Now Rahman and other refugees are asking the new Pakatan Harapan government to stick to its election pledge to sign the UN Refugee Convention.
This would give all refugees the right to work and earn much-needed income to support their families in Malaysia, and as far as Myanmar and Bangladesh.
“When the new government came to power I wrote a letter to Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad,” Rahman said.
“I’m requesting a change of policy towards refugees in Malaysia. We’re lucky to be here ... I hope we can do something, otherwise, our lives will remain hopeless.”
Just like Jokowi, Mahathir pledged commitment to help Rohingya refugees to find a haven in South-East Asia.
Leaders from Thailand’s Rohingya community attempted to submit a statement listing their demands to the leaders at the Asean Summit. But Thai police denied them entry.
The UNHCR states that 92,400 refugees were resettled to a third country in 2018.
That’s less than 7% of those awaiting resettlement globally.
Nearly 593,800 refugees could return home, while 62,600 became naturalised citizens in the country they sought asylum.
But Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia or Thailand will unlikely allow refugees to become citizens.
Official policy is to deny asylum seekers and refugees the basic protections they deserve under international law.
The Philippines is the only Asean country to ratify the UN Refugee Convention and provides a path to integrate them into society.
President Rodrigo Duterte has even offered to resettle Rohingya refugees to the Philippines.
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi wrote in the Global Trends report: “There has to be an enduring emphasis on solutions and removing obstacles to people being able to return home ... It is one of the great challenges of our times.” — Jakarta Post/Asia News Network
This article is part of the “Displaced and Uprooted in South-East Asia” initiative by SEA Junction, Bangkok and the TIFA Foundation, Jakarta.

Read more at https: //www.thestar.com.my/news/regional/2019/07/21/a-survivors-story#SQVOgmzxvRg8r37v.99

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