The 34 arrested in Pantai Sungai Belati, including nine children.

The leaders in Asian countries seems to turn a blind eye to the plight of rohingyas! None of them care about Rohingya lives. People started coming by boat and secret ways and eventually landing in Malaysia!

Deaths will be in sea and border, and that’s very important.

However Journalists, Right Activists and Documentary-Maker show their care! Then? Why is there a need for International involvement to assess the situation ?

Now two boats are known to have sailed from Myanmar with 34 Rohingya on the first boat arrested in Malaysia today. As many as 300 people are believed to have left Rakhine state, with the fate of most still unknown.

The 34 arrested in Pantai Sungai Belati, including nine children. The rest are women. Onlookers have been expecting more Rohingya to flee Myanmar as they continue to be made to feel unwelcome after the ethnic cleansing of 700,000 people who fled to Bangladesh.

An increasing number have been arrested traveling through Thailand to Malaysia on buses and in trucks. Others have been apprehended trying to board scheduled air services.

Trafficking by sea ended in 2015 with the discovery of multiple graves near secret camps along the Thai-Malaysia border and hundreds of Rohingya at sea, bound for Malaysia.

 (Photos from YAB Charles Santiago)

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