Humanitarian Lab 2.0 held in 2019

Group picture after Humanitarian Lab.2:0 in 2019

Grateful to meet MERCY Team Malaysia, especially President Dato' Dr Ahmad Faizal Perdaus at Humanitarian Lab 2:0 to address and find solutions to the pressing issues of refugees in Malaysia particularly the Rohingyas.

Discussed about Protection & Ratification, Health, Education – were identified as priorities for discussion at Lab 2.0 among local NGOs, researchers, academicians, as well as international agencies including UNHCR and Rohingya community leaders at University Islam Angtarabangsa (UIA).

Later, a Resolution was adopted and submitted to the Deputy Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Dr Wan Azizah Dr Wan Ismail at the Closing Ceremony.

What an amazing work and time with most of the Rohingya representatives and everyone involved!
Thank you so much Dr. Helmi ( Executive Director of ARC & Mercy Malaysia) for inviting me!

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