
Showing posts from December, 2020


Bangladesh has arrested award-winning Rohingya photojournalist Abul Kalam for taking photos of Rohingya being forcibly deported to the uninhabitable & unstable island of Bhasan Char. Photojournalism is not a crime. #FreeAbulKalam

Bangladesh, has probably forgotten how it felt to be persecuted and be forced to flee.

  The millions of Bengali refugees who fled to India in 1971.   (WFP/T. PAGE/1971) In 1992, Rohingya refugees arrive in Bangladesh from Myanmar. (Photo by Liba Taylor) Bangladesh, has probably forgotten how it felt to be persecuted and be forced to flee.  In 1971, 10 millions Bangladeshis fled to India as refugees. In 2017, 1 million Rohingya fled to Bangladesh as refugees.